

  • Areshenkoff, C.N., Brouwer, A. J. de, Gale, D. J., Standage, D., Nashed, J. Y., Randall Flanagan, J., & Gallivan, J. P. (2024). Individual variability in sensorimotor learning reflects trait-like neurobehavioral subject factors. bioRxiv, 2024–2004.


  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Brouwer, A. J. de, Gale, D. J., Nashed, J. Y., Smallwood, J., Flanagan, J. R., & Gallivan, J. P. (2024). Distinct patterns of connectivity with the motor cortex reflect different components of sensorimotor learning. PLoS Biology, 22(12), e3002934.
  • Nick, Q., Gale, D. J., Areshenkoff, C.N., De Brouwer, A., Nashed, J., Wammes, J., Zhu, T., Flanagan, R., Smallwood, J., & Gallivan, J. (2024). Reconfigurations of cortical manifold structure during reward-based motor learning. Elife, 2023–2007.
  • Brien, D. C., Riek, H. C., Yep, R., Huang, J., Coe, B., Areshenkoff, C. N., Grimes, D., Jog, M., Lang, A., Marras, C., et al. (2023). Classification and staging of parkinson’s disease using video-based eye tracking. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 105316.
  • Standage, D. I., Areshenkoff, C. N., Gale, D. J., Nashed, J. Y., Flanagan, J. R., & Gallivan, J. P. (2023). Whole-brain dynamics of human sensorimotor adaptation. Cerebral Cortex, 33(8), 4761–4778.
  • Gale, D. J., Areshenkoff, C. N., Standage, D. I., Nashed, J. Y., Markello, R. D., Flanagan, J. R., Smallwood, J., & Gallivan, J. P. (2022). Distinct patterns of cortical manifold expansion and contraction underlie human sensorimotor adaptation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(52), e2209960119.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Gale, D. J., Standage, D., Nashed, J. Y., Flanagan, J. R., & Gallivan, J. P. (2022). Neural excursions from manifold structure explain patterns of learning during human sensorimotor adaptation. Elife, 11, e74591.
  • Brouwer, A. J. de, Areshenkoff, C. N., Rashid, M. R., Flanagan, J. R., Poppenk, J., & Gallivan, J. P. (2021). Human variation in error-based and reinforcement motor learning is associated with entorhinal volume. Cerebral Cortex.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Nashed, J. Y., Hutchison, R. M., Hutchison, M., Levy, R., Cook, D. J., Menon, R. S., Everling, S., & Gallivan, J. P. (2021). Muting, not fragmentation, of functional brain networks under general anesthesia. Neuroimage.
  • Gale, D. J., Areshenkoff, C. N., Honda, C., Johnsrude, I. S., Flanagan, J. R., & Gallivan, J. P. (2021). Motor planning modulates neural activity patterns in early human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex.
  • Standage, D., Areshenkoff, C. N., Nashed, J. Y., Hutchison, R. M., Hutchison, M., Heinke, D., Menon, R. S., Everling, S., & Gallivan, J. P. (2020). Dynamic reconfiguration, fragmentation and integration of whole-brain modular structure across depths of unconsciousness. Cerebral Cortex.
  • Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., Rast, P., Hofer, S. M., Iverson, G. L., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. (2018). The unity and diversity of executive functions: A systematic review and re-analysis of latent variable studies. Psychological Bulletin, 144(11), 1147.
  • Trafimow, D., Amrhein, V., Areshenkoff, C. N., Barrera-Causil, C. J., Beh, E. J., Bilgiç, Y. K., Bono, R., Bradley, M. T., Briggs, W. M., Cepeda-Freyre, H. A., et al. (2018). Manipulating the alpha level cannot cure significance testing. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 699.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Bub, D. N., & Masson, M. E. (2017). Task-dependent motor representations evoked by spatial words: Implications for embodied accounts of word meaning. Journal of Memory and Language, 92, 158–169.
  • Smart, C. M., Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., Rabin, L. A., Hudon, C., Gates, N., Ali, J. I., Arenaza-Urquijo, E. M., Buckley, R. F., Chetelat, G., et al. (2017). Non-pharmacologic interventions for older adults with subjective cognitive decline: Systematic review, meta-analysis, and preliminary recommendations. Neuropsychology Review, 27(3), 245–257.
  • Karr, J. E., Garcia-Barrera, M. A., & Areshenkoff, C. N. (2014). Executive functions and intraindividual variability following concussion. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 36(1), 15–31.
  • Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., Duggan, E. C., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. (2014). Blast-related mild traumatic brain injury: A bayesian random-effects meta-analysis on the cognitive outcomes of concussion among military personnel. Neuropsychology Review, 24(4), 428–444.
  • Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. (2014). The neuropsychological outcomes of concussion: A systematic review of meta-analyses on the cognitive sequelae of mild traumatic brain injury. Neuropsychology, 28(3), 321.
  • Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., Rast, P., & Garcia-Barrera, M. A. (2014). An empirical comparison of the therapeutic benefits of physical exercise and cognitive training on the executive functions of older adults: A meta-analysis of controlled trials. Neuropsychology, 28(6), 829.


  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Brouwer, A. J. de, Gale, D. J., Nashed, J. Y., Flanagan, J. R., & Gallivan, J. P. (2023). The structural-functional neural architectures of implicit and explicit motor learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Gale, D. J., Nashed, J. Y., Standage, D., Flanagan, J. R., & Gallivan, J. P. (2021). Neural excursions from low-dimensional manifold structure in cognitive and sensorimotor brain networks explains intersubject variation in human motor learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Society for the Neural Control of Movement.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Nashed, J. Y., Hutchison, R. M., Hutchison, M., Menon, R. S., Everling, S., & Gallivan, J. P. (2020). Predicting depth of sedation from latent structure in whole-brain cortical networks. Paper presented at the annual meeting for the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Brouwer, A. de, Nashed, J. Y., Gale, D., & Gallivan, J. P. (2019). Network-level interactions during sensorimotor adaptation learning and generalization. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Nashed, J. Y., Standage, D., & Gallivan, J. P. (2018). Functional coupling between the basal ganglia and cerebellum during visuomotor adaptation learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
  • Standage, D., Nashed, J. Y., Areshenkoff, C. N., Flanagan, R. J., & Gallivan, J. P. (2018). Whole-brain modular structure of spontaneous neural activity at rest predicts future sensori-motor learning. Poster presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Bub, D. N., & Masson, M. E. (2016). Parallel encoding of alternative action possibilities alters the execution of a cued action. Poster presented at the 31st meeting of the Society for the Neuroscience of Decision Making. Montreal, QC.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., & Bub, D. N. (2016). The temporal dynamics of motor affordances. Poster presented at the 31st meeting of the Society for the Neuroscience of Decision Making. Montreal, QC.
  • Mulligan, B. P., Areshenkoff, C. N., & Smart, C. M. (2015). EEG entropy predicts intensively measured cognitive performance in healthy older adults. Psychophysiology, 52, S25–S25.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Bub, D. N., & Masson, M. E. (2015). Embodied representation of word meaning. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology-Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Experimentale, 69, 343–343.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Karr, J. E., & Garcia-Barrera, M. (2013). Performance patterns of card selection in the iowa gambling task: Preliminary evidence of high sensitivity to losses following mTBI [abstract]. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 19, 75.
  • Areshenkoff, C. N., Karr, J. E., Crevier-Quintin, E., & Garcia-Barrera, M. (2013). The benefits of physical and cognitive training programs of executive functions among older adults: A meta-analytical comparison. Poster presented at the 41st annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society. Waikaloa, Hawaii.
  • Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., Evans, J., Jewett, K., David Nguyen, Tutt, G., & Garcia-Barrera, M. (2012). Physical exercise versus cognitive training on executive functioning: It’s a tie! A meta-analysis of controlled trials during healthy aging. Lecture presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Gerontology. Vancouver, BC.
  • Grindstaff, T. R., Karr, J. E., Areshenkoff, C. N., Saville, K. A., Alexander, J. E., & Alexander, R. G. (2012). Frontal and parietal differences in P300 amplitude and latency during a self-evaluation task. Poster presented at the 24th annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science. Chicago, Illinois.